
Musical Dice Game

Musical Dice Game In this exhibit, chance and music are combined. It is based on an idea by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Given is a stock of already composed bars. By rolling the dice, you can now determine which of these bars and in which order they should be played one after the other. In this ... Musical Dice Game

Sound Gyro

Sound Gyro Music has a lot to do with mathematics. With the help of this exhibit, you can experience this for yourself -- alone or in a group of three or four, with your friends: The coloured floor squares correspond to the seven steps of a musical scale. Along the spiral of the floor keys ... Sound Gyro

Tubes for listening

Tubes for listening This exhibit is about music theory: Several colorful tubes are set up in front of you. You can now put your ear to each of them. Compare the sounds you hear with each other. How is the pitch related to the length of the respective tube?


Galileo Good music is often mathematically inspired. There is usually a mathematical reason why something sounds particularly beautiful. You can discover this in a playful way with this exhibit: it includes five tuned sound pendulums with the length ratios (12:15:16:18:24), which can be deflected and struck individually. They form a musical instrument for which the ... Galileo