Elementary school grade 1-4

Content: How did people count and calculate long ago with the help of their bodies? Measurements and weights are determined playfully on “one’s own body” and compared with others.

Sequence of events: How did people count and calculate long ago using only their bodies? Measurements and weights are determined playfully on “one’s own body” and compared with others. At individual stations, historical units of measurement, such as arm span or cubit, are explored. Various measuring devices and methods are tried out on and with the participants’ own bodies.

Notes for preparation: The workshop takes place in connection with the visit to the Mathematics Experience Land.

Curriculum references e.g: Elementary school grade 1-4, Maths Subject 2 (Arithmetic), Maths Subject 3 (Quantities), Maths Subject 1 (“That’s what Adam Ries does…”)

Duration: 1-1.5 hours (incl. 30-40 min. workshop) Please allow extra time for checkout and cloakroom.

Price per pupil: 3.00 EUR (2.00 EUR reduced group admission, plus 1 EUR guide fee)